Over the past 20 years or so with the heightened political sensitivity over racism and slavery (especially the Confederate Battle flag viewed as a...
Classic Colonel Reb is Crying video: [MEDIA]
I loved watching BVD and I was consistently greatly alarmed with all of his serious health conditions watching him smoke and drink high octane...
Shapiro is a popular governor in a swing state that could broaden her appeal in the other swing states she needed like PA, MI, WI and or AZ....
Look up how many elections in a row Minnesota has gone blue. Now look up how many elections in a row Pennsylvania has gone blue. This will be...
I believe the words I used were, “would have really helped.”
I wrote in DeSantis.
"It's fun to watch you all struggle to come to grips with your problems." I'm not a Democrat and Hillary wasn't running this year.
Harris didn't need the Southern states, she needed PA and to move the needle slightly in MI and WI. Shapiro would have really helped there.
Harris should never have been the nominee. Biden should have never attempted to run again and they should have held a normal primary. A...
What does any of this have to do with me?