Can you point me to the timestamp, in that video, where he defines the word "love"?
This doesn't make any sense. He should've picked a defensive player.
Maybe I don't. It seems to me that an endorsement is intended to help a candidate win election by lending the organization's good name to the...
My first post in this thread said why it was killed. I'll save you the trouble of going back and looking it up. As for "Why now, this late in...
I've never met Jeff Bezos so I can't claim to know his mind so maybe you're right but, when I look at all the other organizations that have broken...
If that's true then why stop at endorsing no one? Why not go all in and endorse Trump? It seems to me that this move hurts his candidate but...
It seems to me that an endorsement from a left wing paper would normally be the Democrat candidate's to lose. Joe Biden received their...
This decision has very little to do with Trump, imo. Kamala's strategy of attacking Trump has blown through the point of diminishing returns,...
@GatorJMDZ I'm puzzled by your rating of my post #191. I am pleasantly surprised that you have enough Bible knowledge to give such a rating....
It depends on what we're talking about when we say "life after death". The Old Testament mentions sheol, the realm of the dead, but doesn't...
Good post, I had to stop and think this out. Personally, I tend to think of those passages more in terms of individuals than organizations though...
That's certainly part of it but, the point is also that no one can be saved without God. Just as a camel can only go through the eye of a needle...
The overwhelming majority of them are in the Old Testament. I was responding to the assertion that Jesus was a liberal. The behavior of...
Do you have an example of him speaking of social organization?
I picked this one point out because it was the easiest one to address and I didn't want to bore you with a long theological post. The rest of...
So, you're just a troll with no substance. Ok.
I already answered this but I'm happy to copy and paste my previous answer. I believe that Biden is a senile puppet and has been since before the...
First, Trump is not my God. I'll have more to say about that later. Secondly, saying something is plausible and that I'm keeping an open mind is...
I thought you were going to put me on ignore if I quoted you again. This is now the second time I've quoted you since you said that so I expect...