There are 510K NCAA athletes. Fewer than 10 are transgendered. Obviously this is one of THE most important things that we need to worry about.
He could have tucked the Bible or held both in each hand for 5 seconds. Don’t make excuses for douchebags.
For those of you that MAY wish to cure your own ignorance: A republic is a form of government in which the people elect, or choose, their...
Plus the person that screwed up that whole situation was an Orange County deputy when the shooter was arrested on a previous charge. He should’ve...
Again, it’s useful as a tool among many. As an aside, there is no way that I would follow a keto diet. It is incredibly bad for you in the long run.
Here’s the thing that a lot of you don’t understand with regard to this medication. Used properly it is effective but it’s not an “answer” by...
You’re the one in the wrong here. Typical MAGA that will cut their nose off to spite their face simply to be cruel to someone else.
Except that’s medically incorrect. There are situations where the “eat less, move more” doesn’t work. Besides, from a cost/benefit analysis...
Fun fact: the most popular food purchased prior to a hurricane are Pop Tarts, specifically strawberry :D This Surprising Sweet Treat Is The Most...
Not the point but you know that. This didn’t happen all of a sudden either. Reminds of another Republican, Ronald Reagan.
GOPers should be careful about throwing stones and glass houses. Seems a Republican member of Congress has been missing since July. Someone found...
They gave the land back to DC and the Commanders. It would cost more than it was worth to do something with it so it’s their problem now. Feds...
The stadium piece was basically a land swap.
My error that Heupel was his OC but Heupel moved on from UCF and was successful, Frost not so much. Getting the band back together is rarely...
I can just imagine the terms of the NDA she signed. I’m sure the Greek government will welcome her with open arms after she called them moochers...
He wouldn’t listen anyway
Check post #32. I was wrong, I thought he was Frost’s OC.
You’re right, my bad. Heupel was the OC at Missouri. Regardless, I don’t think that this is a good move.
Josh Heupel was the brains behind Frost. The sequel is never as good as the original.
The bigger question here, I think, is does the state have a right to usurp parental rights for ALL medical decisions? That’s a dangerous and...