My Apologies to the Board for a stupid ( Now deleted) post.
TD ...sigh
The way things are going makes me ready for the 4th quarter. The end of it.
I'm almost ashamed of how badly I want the Gators to win this game
He's Baaaaaack!
There's less than 90 seconds in the first half, and Miss St looks like they're trying to score...WTH?!
"Threw that one into an almost Defensive Team meeting" LOL!!!!!!
I thought Bingo was the Farmer's dog :)
S C O R E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's the sole reason I'm here.
Grantham is some where with his arm propped up on his belly, chuckling at this.
Prayers sent.
Looks like 2007
School me guys and gals, but I thought a play is not reviewable if a snap is made after the play.
Ok Miller, we see ya!