So JD's cousin served in Ukraine while JD only served in Iraq?
Y'all never showed these concerns when Joe Biden was falling down stairs and falling off bicycles for the last 4 years.
The man doesn't drink, the man doesn't smoke, what makes you think he would do drugs?
I've got an old high school buddy that worked for the CDC in Atlanta for over 30 years before retiring. During the Covid scare he was the most...
Back in the 80s my wife's brother was shot and killed by the owner of a warehouse he had just burglarized. No charges were ever filed. Why?...
Damn near every thread title is twisted like that now days. They are losing and nitpicking every story to find something that they can use.
George Floyd's murderer was whoever sold him the fentanyl he was on.
Naw MAGA don't want your ass. Carry on talking shit.
Does anybody really think Biden was making many if any presidential decisions on his own? Ever?
"invent?" where did that come from? I said democrat congressmen invited some fired vets to Trumps speech last night. It was to be part of their...
Let's look beyond the media bias, beyond the too hot bias and misleading thread title and address the actual story. The vets mentioned in the...
This is the response I saw. LOL what a clown show. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
You know Trump is winning when threads like this are started.
@ValdostaGatorFan How did you miss this one? For once I would have to side with the bad guy. A couple of cops should lose their jobs over this...
I was going to rewrite your list to where the 1st letter of each line spelled out F**K YOU but the last time I did that I got deleted. I think I...