Here is the current poll:
I think you’re right.
Why in the world do you go along with every stupid harmful damn thing that gets proposed by Republicans and, in particular, this administration?...
Thank you for letting us know that he was a dyed in the wool lib. That’s the kind of garbage we’ve grown to appreciate hearing from you.
Likely the lowest IQ cabinet meeting ever.
I recorded and just watched this game. IMG won 68-62. CJ played pretty much the same way that he did in the 2 other games I watched of Montverde....
So this virus could wipe out all domesticated animals. That could force all of us to become vegans with a little fish on the side. That sounds...
Why did you screw up a good thing by trying to figure out how to talk to each other?
I am with you 100%. No medical care for dying one year old criminals. No food for starving one year old criminals. No kindergarten for 5-year old...
A technical question. When I try to post photos on Gator Country, they always get rejected as being too big a file. How are you able to do it?
First, I distinctly remember posting on Gator Country (or its predecessor) that Hans Tanzler, Jr. was going to be a really good walk-on for the...
How much do I have to pay to not be able to see THFSG?
How many 50-year-old politicians screwed a 12-year-old girl?
I don’t know about this one, because it’s hard to think about Trump without thinking about him sexually assaulting someone.
I originally was TampaJack. Someone stole that from me, so now I have the 1 at the end.
The ski is pronounced the same way as it is in English. I looked up a detailed analysis of the pronunciation of the name a few days ago, and it is...
I am not naming names, but we have some sick people posting on THFSG.
Does anyone know where Murphree is? He was one of my favorite posters.
Who is Coach K? Could you spell his name, please?
If Donald Trump had been captain of the Titanic, he would’ve told the passengers they were just stopping for ice.