Wonderful reporting. Scrappy is ‘da man!
Good assessment. Thought the beam judges were off a smudge but I have an uneducated eye. Fun evening and probably the best I’ve seen us on the...
Thank you for the report. Ryan Theis facing Michelle Collier. Now that is a match that I wanna see!!!!!
This is gonna be so much fun. Ryan is a coach that retains his players. Players that sign with him stay. Other teams averaged 2.5 transfers a...
We have our coach. Go Gators
Agree with your assessment. Ryan Theis checks all the box’s.
Winner, winner kale dinner. (Not a meat fan)
Pool was big. It is now three. Decision forthcoming.
Ha, you might have turned an ankle during that feint.
Choices are Dave Boos, Michelle Collier, and Ryan Theis. Who do you want and why?
So well said!
Scott is our AD. It is his job to find a replacement. He has a select group assisting him. He wants to do a thorough job and hit a home run just...
I believe the athletic department will make the right hire to replace Mary, a living legend and just a superb human being. Miss you already Mary....
Hang tough, guys. We are in a good place even though it may not seem so.
Some sickness
Tapped it. Nobody tapes anymore.
Don’t think there is any room at the Inn![emoji41]
Didn’t watch the meet but tapped it. Started to watch it but knowing the result and seeing the love fest for LSU nauseated me so much that I quit...
Spot on! This is going to be a special year.