Actually, Lombardi’s statement was: “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.” Same sentiment, though.
Skink’s posts add value. Yours are value-sucking.
I agree. I think the reality is all teams in the bigger conferences are going to have plenty of money to throw around at players; that, coupled...
I was told there wouldn’t be any math.
Another member of the church I attend who teaches/coaches at Woodward Academy tracked me down the Sunday after Graham committed to the Gators. His...
My youngest son, who absolutely hates tn, offers this assessment:
I liked the Seinfeld reference. :-)
Love the Biblical reference, gatorranger7.
Well said. “Roster” vs “Team.”
You actually proved my point. But we can agree to disagree.
FSU’s collapse this year should offer evidence to anyone paying attention that culture does matter.
He called a great game today. Last week, too. If he hires an OC, fine. If not, Gators will still be in the playoffs next year.
That’s why.
You “have” to? Sigh…
We clearly have a different operational definition of “football school.”