Got 8" here in Crestview. Fun for about 2 hrs or so! It is a delight to watch my 7 yr old Grandson flipping out over it though. Record low here is...
We all work for a living around here. Also no one on the government tit! Trump tends to do what he says! Damn the consequences! Means we are a...
yes. In a boys bathroom!!! Sounds about right coming from the left!
Ivan 2004. Quite my sportswriting job and took my roofing guns and aircompressers out of storage! Good move money wise but I did miss chasing...
She should be on this years team! Girl is a true ringer!!
The swindle in the swamp game was hard to stomach! I've heard many sports announcers say that game was the reason instant replay came about!!
I lived in Lafayette for 25 yrs! Almost the entire time USL, as it was then known as, was always in a legal battle with the powers that be in...
Biden (Buy Dum) as I prefer to call him, sold the oil in the SPR when it was $25.00 a barrel. Now the price is over $90.00 per barrel! If you...
She will break that record!!
Texas got the win against Okalhoma! About time I'd say!!
Clinton did not care about the $ deficit! He and Shillary were getting rich selling our missile tech to the Chinese!!
Should have said poll!!
when does the latest pool come out?
They turned in parents in Nazi Germany. Course they thought they were doing the right thing, after all the newspapers told them it was the right...
If I recall correctly, the only one shot and killed on Jan 6 was a vet! Not so much as a slap on the wrist for the shooter! Hell of an...
Guys! What excites me the most about the 2023 season is that i am still here to enjoy it!! gators win 9 games with the new and improved defense!!
No. They lost to the Baker Gators by 2 touchdowns!
I lived in La. from 1977-99. It's not just the players that somehow tend to dislike the Gators and give us their best. The entire population of...