You guys carry on, but I'll just point out that it is foolhardy to compare virus spread rates in high population density areas with those in low...
That is good news. Hopefully also the case here.
They should all be recognized. Fair point. Do we have more excess deaths related to suicide, drug abuse and Alzheimers than we have reduction in...
I may have quoted the wrong post. Not sure. But what I was responding to was assertions on over counting COVID cases because they are really...
Agree people do unethical things when money is involved. The people with the motivation are administrators. The question is if/how they can...
Good reference. Also note from the article: Ask FactCheck reporter Angelo Fichera, who interviewed Jensen, noted, "Jensen said he did not think...
Your image didn't come through. I don't understand your "money grab" point. Who is receiving money because a death is caused by COVID rather than...
If somebody has heart disease and they get killed in a fire, are we supposed to count that death as heart disease? People live with various...
That's good. But you do seem to consistently deflect from his mishandling of COVID, and I don't see you calling it out. Which would explain my...
Good info and we should take it seriously and try to understand/mitigate it. As the article indicates, the increase in deaths has a direct...
All of this. But "We're number one!". Number one in COVID cases. Number one in COVID deaths. An A+ job, Mr President.
Indeed. There are a lot of other costs associated with this pandemic. Much of them including the needlessly high death toll would have been...
Any analysis of the impact needs to include more than the death total. It needs to include damage to the heart, lungs, kidney and other internal...
Should be amazing that somebody disagrees with facts. But the Trump administration and its supporters have actively disdained facts ever since he...
America's death gap, from today's NYT coverage. Here’s a jarring thought experiment: If the United States had done merely an average job of...
I don't disagree, but we cannot say that we understand risk if we only measure one aspect of risk (death) and ignore permanent injuries. This is...
I generally agree with the points here, with the addition that COVID-19 causes permanent organ damage to various internal organs in some victims...
You have posted no statistical data wrt deaths caused by delayed access to health care. The fact remains that known COVID deaths are now over...
You didn't read or understand the article if that is your take away.