Good way to screw people like me. I am single and bought my home back in 2018. Do I get the down payment money back that you're giving to new...
Because I'm tired of being invaded. I'm tired of these immigrants changing my country. Trying to force me to speak their language, adopt their...
Wonderful speech by Ronald Reagan. Doesn't mean he was 100% right. We had no where near the immigration during Reagan that we do now. I think even...
Ronald Reagan never dealt with the type of invasion we are dealing with now. Ronald Reagan was a great men and a great President, that doesn't...
It won't be a magic wand. It'll take Trump some time to undo the damage Biden and Harris caused. But in a year or two yes I think we'll be back to...
The 14th Amendment only applies to slaves and their children, people brought to the U.S. against their will. Illegal immigrants weren't brought...
rt Okay so if I had been born in France instead of the U.S. would I be a French citizen? The answer is NO, because the French get it right and...
The Constitution can be changed, and illegal immigrants are violating the spirit of the constitution. As many here have even admitted, the 14th...
Bring it. We'll see you in the SCOTUS, anchor babies. Time to go back home.
It's about time. Birthright Citizenship is one of the biggest mistakes this Country has ever made. This post makes it sound like it's mainly for...
This one is even better. And yes we do hate you that bad. :D Liberals truly are mentally broken people who need help. Bring back the insane...
They didn't break any laws. And technically even if they did, once Trump pardons them, then they didn't officially break any laws in the eyes of...
Exactly. I don't want to be so hard since she seems on the verge of the mental breakdown, but she did post it so she knows people will comment....
I truly believe that Donald Trump was put here for a reason and that God is actively working his will through Donald Trump. I'll admit because of...
It is absolutely so wonderful. I'm taking screenshots as well to send to Trump's revamped FBI and CIA (after they have been fully cleaned out)....
How do we help these liberal white women that clearly suffer from mental disorders. How do we be nice to them but also let them know that their...
And come January, immediately free the political prisoners from January 6th. They are the biggest patriots and freedom fighters that this Country...
Well I'm back from the war room, after a long night. One of the best nights of my life to say the least!! Little bit of a hangover from the...
You're free to leave anytime.
Which is what I hope happens. Well off to the war room where I'll be probably for the next 24 hours. See you all on the other side!