Honestly doubt it passes anyway with the Florida requirement being 60% to pass an amendment. I'm a Conservative in Florida, and I will be voting...
I thought about that as well. With the limited hotels in Gainesville there's pretty much no way you could do a weekend where the Gators play on...
And that's the primary problem. The Bucs and Jaguars both consider Orlando to be their turf. Heck the Dolphins, while they don't consider it their...
Very true but in both of those cases the NFL team is the primary tenant. The college team works around the NFL team. And Pittsburgh has been...
I don't consider The Swamp a dump, but by NFL standards it would definitely be a dump. I mean heck you have stadiums like the Georgia Dome (built...
Not directly Gator football related, but indirectly since the Jacksonville Jaguars have their upcoming stadium construction. That will impact...
Oh I've had plenty of experience dealing with people of other races and cultures. I would say probably more experience than easily 80% of...
Except my great grandmother and her family were given nothing. These immigrants now are given everything. But you’re right, my great grandmother...
I don't really know you, I've just noticed you seem to be a more provocative poster. So let me respond to you in kind with your "I don't believe...
I am very well aware of this so don't even try to lecture me on West Virginia. I grew up in Marion County (Farimont specifically, just a town over...
Did she fight against it in any way? Did she fight for Second Amendment rights of citizens for California when she was a Senator? For a Democrat...
I'll be very clear and direct to you. I am a newer poster here since I've been looking for a good place to debate politics before the 2024...
I would rather see a town die a dignified death than to have its very foundation, its very culture changed and turned into a completely different...
VegasFox you seem like one of the few reasonable people on here, the reality is these other people don't care. Notice how these Haitians never go...
I didn't invade a different country. Haitians are more than welcome to move around their own country for opportunities.
Sorry that Trump actually stands up to people like you and doesn't bow down like RINO's McCain and Romney who were too scared to really stand up...
Sorry but I didn't go run to another country. I made something of myself. Maybe those Haitians should try to rebuild their own country instead of...
Never come close because they don't have the ability to. They would institute a National Gun ban, confiscate all guns and either kill or imprison...
With all due respect I genuinely have no clue what this comment is supposed to mean. Again I was born with nothing so I was not privileged in any...
Exactly. The Democrats would ban gun ownership and do a national confiscation program in a second if they had the votes in Congress and a...