Not a fan of Yost leading off, he has the worst OBP on the team (yes, worse than Evans and Wilson). He deserves to be in the everyday lineup though.
I have a theory that he’s going to start against FSU. Not a full workload but maybe 3 innings or one time through the order kinda thing.
We didn't face any adversity until two days ago...
no mercy rule?
I like Yost but he barely walks and he strikes out way too much to be our leadoff hitter. His OBP is the second lowest on the team.
I shouldn't have said anything
Have they hit a ball over 2 mph this inning
Brody what was that
So that makes us 0 for what with the bases loaded this weekend
I think having to hit the outside bag is dumb but that is clearly on the white bag, how is that not definitive? Commentators are clueless.
Heyman can't catch a break
Someone tell Barlow to aim for the chalk of the left handed batters box. It'll get called a strike every time apparently.
ball 4
The throw was less than perfect and it looked like Kurland did a nice slide to avoid the tag
Poor Nadeau needed that scored as a hit. His batting average is up to a measly .857
Yeah it was not a good read
He pitched a couple innings last week as well
From what I could tell Liam was hanging a lot of sliders
Was at the scrimmage today. Defense was not good on either side. 3 total errors on the scoreboard but there were 2 or 3 more that were called out...
Agreed. And I know that nowadays the 2 hole is typically reserved for the best overall hitter who’s usually a power threat but Nadeau would fit...