Do you really think @wci347 needs this to be explained to him?
I don’t think he’s the guy — he is the guy. And until he isn’t, I’m 100% behind him. Go Gators
Ok buddy let’s debate. Say when [MEDIA]
In all honesty Ocala, I’m not sure what you mean by ‘defend my position’. I’ve stated it and you apparently disagree. Beyond that, “defending my...
Yes of course, and that’s to be expected for sure. There’s also another angle to this “longevity” issue — posters who became Gator fans long...
The ratings “services” should all adopt this change. It would make their subjective ratings a little more credible. Maybe
Funny - go back and read your post and then try and tell me anything about how to “debate”. I think your anger towards me is just a bit over the...
I lived in Houston right out of UF back in the late 70s — there were a lot of young Saudi engineers working at the big refineries as part of a...
That’s because we are, Wanne
Totally agree. My days of chanting “SEC SEC SEC” are long long gone. If not for the money I’d love to see UF give this good ole boy conference the...
I’m not “going after” anyone Ocala. All I did was respond to his post. I shared a little of my history because Hoyt asked me how old I am. Go back...
Well you got a point there Hoyt
You mean the lack of? If I was a cop I’d empty my ticket book in one shift and none of them would be for speeding
Thanks Donzo
Sadly, the people clogging our interstates are morons compared to the disciplined drivers on the Autobahns. It’s not the roads, it’s the drivers
Dude I gotta hand it to you — that’s the first time I’ve ever been called a snowflake. Now that’s funny
I don’t ask people how old they are - anymore. But Doug Dickey was head coach at UF when I enrolled there, and he was still head coach when I...