My advice to liberals? STFU!
How many miles to the egg does your car give you?
She was the least qualified, ever.
I'm not the government.
Democrats are displaying a total lack of class. Typical of the species.
I have an upcoming litter of Golden Retrievers, whelping day within 2 weeks.
I'll be in Lot 1 as soon as the gates open (noon supposedly). So I'm IN! Gators- 31 New Orleans Highschool Plus- 10
"That dog" is a Golden Retriever, so by definition it's better than most people.
Correction, the nulls ALWAYS suck!
The return of Max Headroom?
Are we sure these 2 weren't AI?
FSU is crap I said FSU is crap FSU is crap
When they stop digging sod and parading around a gator skull...
In other words we should crush them, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women?