Just mind your own damn business No one cares what the bible says. The bible isn't the rule of law. If you think it should be, we have serious...
Why ask if he was indicted? WHat point are you trying to make besides sticking up for that POS that ripped off us taxpayers and is continuing to...
Pre Sarbanes-Oxley. He would've went to jail in 2002. Should have went to jail. You sticking up for that POS? Pathetic. Gotta protect those...
Trump is only 3 years younger and a raving lunatic. He wants round up all his political foes and have them arrested. How democratic.
Insane. White collar crimes are fine. We know why. It has the word white in it.
Why leave criminals alone? Law and order except for me.
The right talks about personal responsibility all the time. How about pay your freaking taxes like everyone else?
If it was to make sure gator games were more fairly reffed? You'd agree in a heartbeat
Like this analogy. This anti-government everything sentiment now echoing from the right is bizarro world. Law and order except for me should be...
This is the new Republican party. Until they decide to expel the diseased portions, they will continue to see their base erode. When you start...
The picture becomes clearer with every post
Because you just can't help yourself
Just more online bullying. How predictable.
Projection Reviewed by Psychology Today Staff Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object....
No due process in a Desantis dictatorship.
Cool. Trumps wins and rounds up all his political rivals. Sounds exactly what our Founding Fathers wanted. I would arrest him just for making...
Just calling it like I see it. Truth hurts, eh?
This could very well be a one off but it is right out of the black pill playbook. We'll see what the future holds.
Utter garbage. This tool is getting destroyed nationally. This comeuppance wasnt nearly good enough. Beating him when he runs for Senator is...
More insults from the right. Non-stop. You've become just like trump. You can't see it but you are now like him. Disgusting. And a Dr? Shameful.