One of this forum’s past concerns has been the number of service errors we’ve had. Over the last three years, assuming my calculations are about...
I’m thinking UNF will pitch Allison Benning, who was a second team All American last year (1.86 ERA). Pretty doggone good…
Steve Russell was interview host and asked questions of I think seven players, about their experiences and their feelings about this team. They...
I just read that Jac Caglionone (now with the Kansas City Royals) and Elli McKissock got engaged last week. Nice. She has been so amazing for our...
The Meet the Gators stories and brief videos are a really nice introduction to the new team members. This new approach to softball sports...
This is worrisome! Do we have anyone else with catcher experience other than Jocey and AK? AK had the best batting average of last year’s...
2 pm?
Lauren Staff just put out a Fall Ball summary on that’s a really good summary of the fall season!
Sounds like we got a nice future point guard from Australia who signed yesterday. Now we need a bunch more signings to fill out the roster for...
On the first signing day in November, 2022 we signed three vb players, then later added a transfer and a freshman. In November 2023 we signed an...
As did several others, I wrote Lauren Staff thanking her for her nice summaries. I want to share with the forum members that she wrote back...
Did anyone go who can recap how we got from 5 (I think) after the sixth inning, up to 14 at games end?
I actually like this separate thread. It separates the information nicely…but I’ll go with either.
Lauren Staff’s summary of the last three exhibition games under Softball News was a great addition to the official news from UF....
A lot of slipping on the turf, including on DJ’s injury. Were we wearing the right cleats? Just wondering.
Just enter The second story is a summary of the baseball exhibition, not the softball exhibition game. I was hoping we could...
Also, check out summary of last nights two baseball exhibition games UF vs. Jacksonville. By Sullivan Bortner. It’s excellent...
If everyone who knows they can’t go would offer up their tickets that would surely help….
In recent past years it seems a shame that so many seats are empty behind home plate (sections 102, 103 and 104) for pre-conference games and...
The site I was looking at had a group of fourth year redshirt juniors listed as seniors, e.g. Austin Barber. My bad. Still I’d like better...