Could have been 1973. We lived in Bonifay for 1 year. My dad's company building I-10. Went bowling on a Friday night in the rain. Came out it...
I don't even know what his number is!
Good afternoon, welcome to Trump day!
Good time for Marshall pick 6!
Their fans aren't really that bad. Sorry, I lied we know that they ARE the worst FANS ( if you can call them that) in America! Just a...
If you read the article on AR, you'd see that yes they talked smack. But after that AR lit them up on some great red zone passes!
He's just a POS!
Never minded being the butt of comments. However, I've been on some powerful meds. Had a double fusion surgery on Tues. so I consider myself...
Like Ronald Johnson did for us. Although it wasn't him making impact but the other TF linemen.
That would be 1/3 of the starters. I only know of 7 who start.
Not a fan so I don't read him. Usually very critical or other stupid stuff. Surprisingly good article from him. Thank you for finding this!