Hunter was a grown man that got judged on his own merit and lack there of. Biden got judges for covering for Hunter , lying for Hunter and...
You do you But as a father and someone that worked with a lot families/ kids hesitate to pass judgement on anyone trying raise kids.. especially...
By this logic gatorjo is so in love with trump he has pictures above his bed of him
Where have you been the last 8 years because I’ve been here and most will tell you I stay pretty consistent with my beliefs. Now.. it looks like...
Peoples true colors are showing through.. and it’s not good. Cancer survivors of all age deserve respect. It’s not a battle anyone aka for or...
While I agree and have traveled to many places where English was treated as a second language the US becomes a little more of a problem I grew up...
I don’t doubt the 5k was said but what I heard was a 20 percent of what is saved earmarked for a check back to the American people. Won’t be much...
Right Because no conservative has ever done something like that… good grief Every race, every political leaning, every occupation has idiots..
Woman was an idiot who got in the water with a bull shark that was bigger than she was. Now.. what exactly was she doing that the shark got both...
Good Lord I hate this Why? Do we really think that a democrat or someone who voted for the left is ok with child predators? Seriously? Do we...
So now.. no big deal? Military says the house is very old, needs tons of repairs and was in the docket to be done anyways.. and many many here...
Speaking of Pete Seems a bunch of people ( in media and on here) made some false claims… nothing new though. Hegseth didn't request over $137,000...
Might be a good time to revisit this topic… Hegseth didn't request over $137,000 in upgrades to his new military residence, official says
Maybe.. and I do not discount that as a possibility but I also think it possible that Trumps ego will push him to want the accolades and...
Moronic… but at least interesting. IF Palestinians had or would spend their money (given by other nations) building a harbor, resorts,...
One of my kids earliest memories.. driving down the interstate heading to N.O. to pick up a stranded friend.. listening to the gators on the...
There is no answer that yall will accept for the next for years. Everything will be a lie, everything will be retribution, everything will be but...
Yea because it won’t be just Donald Trump and DoGe doing the audit. ( which I have explained at least three times). Hundreds of auditors will be...
You didn’t ask a yes or no question just kept railing against Trump and musk which isn’t the discussion.
Dude We are done discussing. When you can’t see past your hatred for Trump to carry on a conversation that doesn’t even need to include him.. it’s...