IMO, there's no good reason to go to Mars. We can do most scientific research with probes at a fraction of the cost. It would cost trillions of...
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have no idea if this even happened, but if true, it could be construed as an indicator of European...
Not really. I mean, the sub intentionally had to surface with the intent to refuel and make the request. Being refused is the story, not that...
Perhaps the boat's credit card was denied... j/k
I am still trying to process that a US president said this; "Putin went through a hell of a lot with me he went through a phony witch hunt...
I guess he thinks everyone works in one timezone? Folks in HI will have to get in before 7 to even see it in time. For funsies, let's see how...
Well...good for you! I haven't either, but I have accidentally pulled it while in a hurry in the grocery line or at a restaurant. Obviously I...
I'll also add travel cards are in the employee's name so it ultimately falls on the gov worker or service member responsibility to pay, not the...
I guess it isn't common knowledge that the total value of a contract is only the maximum of the contract vehicle. The government is only...
I especially liked the part of the press conference where she says "...this administration believes that birthright citizenship is...
I don't watch a lot of BBall, but as a casual observer I thought Aberdeen looked good when he was in there. He probably should have gotten some... Because other countries aren't changing their geography books or maps regardless of what the US does. They will continue calling what...
How about we just bid the name out and we can name it like stadiums? We can use the money to pay on our debt... Gulf of Meta? The Tesla...
You may be right, but the ends are that loose. He's still under contract through 2025 so not sure what we expect the University to announce. I...
Do we really need a DC? I'm thinking no unless Ron is going somewhere.
I can't say I am surprised... NCAA Considering Rule Change Giving Athletes in All Sports 5 Years of Eligibility
"Substitutes who become players (Rule 2-27-9) must remain in the game for at least one play and replaced players must remain out of the game for...
I think people are confusing setting up close, competitive games with what it means to have the sport championship settled on the field to reduce...
The taunt was certainly unprofessional, but I think Beamer brought some of it on himself by making late in the play clock player changes expecting...
I don't know if I've ever seen a rb as flat footed and casual in formation at the snap as Jeanty.