Gators 77 AM 68 Mvg Haugh Sog 7
Gators 87 Dogs 69 MVG Clayton (over) edited to change my Klavzar pick
Gators 90 Sooners 73 Mvg Richard Sog 15
Gators 90 Cocks 67 MVG Clayton SOG 15/7
Gators 89 Dogs 79 Mvg Richard Sog 10
This team is insane. I love it. But man. Great great performance What a win
Gators 71 Tigers 87 MVG Martin SOG 20/12 reb oooor 3 assist
AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEE this fires me up! Almost picked Richard for MVG too...dang it trust my instincts!
Very nice win. Got big minutes out of Brown, Klavzar, and of course Aberdeen.
Florida 89 Vandy 76 MVG Martin SOG Aberdeen 4
Molly-whopped. Flush it and move on Maybe time for coaching staff to introduce some new wrinkles on offense. When I can sit here and almost...
Sometimes when your shot isn't falling as a player it affects your defensive effort. Feels like the whole team is suffering from that malaise
This start feels very dangerous
That's a big hit. Walter is the only guy that can throw it in the ocean right now.
Going to have to win a rock fight
Gators 80 Vols 84 MVG Clayton SOG 27
whew. whatever you believe, he's been cleared. end of discussion.
Gators 82 Dogs 75 MVG Clayton SOG 2
Gators 90 Cocks 77 MVG Martin SOG 9
Gators 80 Horns 77 MVG Martin SOG 17