Wish the video would have had the stadium lit up and the end!
ESPN sucks!! Took the game off
I’ve been done for the last 2 seasons. Kids played for regional bragging rights. We cheered for regional players and bragging rights. Now, $1M to...
Before the start of the season, I mentioned how I met Wisconsin grads in Ireland who said Mertz would be a stud for us. Seems it was more than the...
Like, totally… nice haircut Is that a cell phone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me
Catching the ball in the reverse direction is what separates this catch from anything I’ve seen before. There was no easy way to cradle this one,...
Wake Ohio state Missouri SC KS
I’ll take the heat right now tenn Iowa state Liberty Rutgers Kansas state cmon Naps. Show me you can learn and coach in the SEC! I’ll gladly...
Texas A&M Whisky Auburn Ucf Nebraska
This isn’t just about ESPN. It’s about Disney forcing multiple channels onto spectrum. You can’t just add ESPN, you have to get almost all the...
Yep! F Disney and everything associated with them!
F Disney!!!!!! I can’t get the game in Bradenton because of their contract.
Cali LSU Tulane SC Fresno
Just watched the debut with Brandon Siler in downtown Orlando. He is/was a beast and loyal to the Gators. Won’t post pictures out of respect, but...
A 13 year old girl was held against her will at a bar off Goldenrod in Orlando by a known pimp. Not sure what the trial results were, but is/was...
What's up with all these Big 10 schools? Coaches, dark rooms with masks, animals, little children? Are the women that bad up there lol?
I’m over in Ireland on vacation. I noticed a Wisconsin hat on the gentleman next to me. Started up a conversation with him. He says we are going...
Good morning Ray, Sorry to hear about your discomfort and am praying for relief. God knows your situation and hasn’t abandoned you brother....