What's the difference?
Perhaps you should put this superior intellect of yours to good use instead of wasting it on a college sports message board.
The Big House was the first place I visited when I moved to GA a few years ago. Ever since, I've been wanting to get a 7 head shower in my own...
What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind.
If you think Heupel is slobby, wait til you get a load of Charlotte's coach. :D [IMG]
13 unanswered posts in a row. Someone needs a break.
Except that we concede when our own college teams do stupid things and make mistakes.
Not quite the way the article paints it. "As Tebow sparked an improbable run to the second round of the playoffs that year, Elway’s wife, Janet,...
There is no audience. That's why he was brought in. The CNN brand has been tarnished for years. And somehow, Licht made it worse.
The gay sex angle came about because local San Fran news reported that the attacker was wearing only his underwear. That report has since been...
The postgame presser was great. Napier and each of the players' faces lit up with a huge smile at the mention of Dez on that play. Love to see it.
Long time lurker here, but I just had to be a part of this momentous and historic thread! Cheers to all! Now I'll go crawl back into my hole.