After looking closely at our schedule we are the team to beat next year. This clown goes on to say. I don’t see one team that can beat us in...
This is the best thread creation of the year. The Vol fans piped Rocky Top into the jukeboxes of the Waffel Houses, came up with this silly...
No, they do not, and please stop saying that. I can not and refuse to root for that team at all costs. Any other SEC team but them for me because...
For all those wanting Billy fired, me included, I feel no guilt. I call it being a fan.
Great game Gators! Lots of young talent shining bright.
Wow. I am surprised because I did not think most board readers would be as accepting of Prime. But I would take him yesterday as head coach.
This is starting to look like an NCAA score.
But we have that mat now to prevent that, no wait.
Year three with this guy is not about wins and losses. We are now grading Billy's team on effort. I think I am missing something in this way of...
I ask this question with all sincerity: Can DJ and Baugh perform so well the remainder of the year that they save Billy's job? While I pray they...
This was Billy's question from Wednesday's press conference. With all the problems this team faces, why in the hell would you ask this question?
All that clown had to do was make adjustments to his coaching style and not rest on what he had done in the past. With that said just Go Away, Dan...
Great Great video and music. You have made my entire week. Let's F______ Go Gators!
I don't know how to do them myself but they always get me ready for the season.
To start media days with that statement tells me all I need to hear. Buckle up Gators this year is the start of the climb back to the top. Go Gators!
All I want to know is how can the Gators benefit from this!
Guys, I will be upfront and say that upon Billy's hire, I said I would trust the process. I just did not think that it would take this long. I am...
I root for two teams they are the mighty Florida Gators and whoever is playing tenn.
Now this is funny no matter what team you root for.
I served 7 years in the US Army and they were some of the proudest days of my life. Here is a poem that reminds all of America's citizens where...