Cool deal. I appreciate the answer. Hope Rashada does wind up here. God knows we need him...
You're right.....I'm done with it. I genuinely hope he winds up here. We need him.
And I'll ask you just like I asked Growl who never answered my question.....What would have been an acceptable way to ask about this on here after...
So I was too early with asking the question? Got it.....Lol
Yes, that was my post. Do you see all those question marks behind those sentences? Just like that one I just typed? Yeah....those let you know...
Lol.....okay. Silly people here
Bro I've been chill....it's been y'all with your panties in a wad because you heard something you didn't want to hear. Now you're hearing there...
Please show me where I did anything but ask a question? I dare you to show me in my post where I said anything stated as a fact.... And so...
Lol and yet it's being talked about plenty now
I appreciate that. Genuinely
So this guy post a thread that states a fact that is so far unsubstantiated (a rumor).... I post a thread asking a question and it gets locked and...
Hold my britches on what? Please show me where I said it's true.... I asked a question....
Boy if what we're hearing is right, you guys are gonna feel like bigger fools than what you're acting like...
Is this true that he hasn't enrolled? And growl.... genuinely sorry if I violated a rule here. Honestly wasn't my intention to start drama or...
Clearly stated it was a rumor and I was asking for it to be cleared up? Not sure how that's spreading a rumor? Never once said it was true.....so...
Defense is swiss cheese
Terrible spot. Should be first to begin with
Did they play a high school team? Lol