After years of watching gator sports, I had come to believe that every ankle sprain was high.
I’ll be there. I know this topic is old, but man the sticker shock from Ticketmaster never goes away.
I'm not on much these days and just came across this. Just a delightful person that i never saw have a negative thing to say toward anyone. And in...
Man, I feel like we won that game 5 seconds ago still. What a come back!
My stomach dropped when I logged on and saw the forum had his name on it. I moderated this board over a decade ago with Hall and we shared quite a...
Gator Princess was the one who wanted Jetpacks and Laser Beams. She was ridiculued pretty bad and it became a punch line. Was used for every...
I was on the mailing list in the mid 90s. Started here and mudlizard. I’d post from my high school library and sister’s computer.
Who we sending out for the coin flip?