And only for that particular fall. The next fall? Never know
The burger guy is chuck Schumer
Pretty hard pass for me. You can’t diss on your coach. Coach hasn’t forgotten, I’m sure. More playing time for the young guys.
On another site , the usual anti- billy crew said ; “this reeks of desperation by Billy” That’s total BS. good for billy to give this kid a...
Why doesn’t Biden send the 4 billion he has available to him right now?
Rabun county
THATS OUR RB #1. I bet mom and dad are proud
Played nose tackle at 5’8. 196 pounds Crazy
Sam Gellerstadt. I looked it up. Lol
Was at a Super Bowl party with a gentleman, probably , 5’7 ish. About 180 ish. About 70years old ish. Turns out he was an all American nose...
I was a sophomore at the time. Scot and I were friends
The day Scot Brantley got his concussion and went out. I think he’s since died of CTE early onset dementia. Rip
You’re more than welcome nugs
Off topic: but testicle injuries in women’s sports is skyrocketing.
Didn’t read all of this thread , so I’ll leave it at this : We were next to last in the country at blown blocking assignments, somewhere around...
1979. 0-10-1. Glorious
Thats totally unacceptable. I’ve been on the rant a bunch that our o line coaches gots to go
Not sure the thread I saw it in : but we were almost last in the country on blown blocking assignments. Like around 20%
Maybe the coaches were going after still have bowl games or NFL games still to be played? Just a thought.