There are several that seem to think this is a salient point, did you all just attend your first leadership training together? Maybe in the next...
A screen on third and long? What a terrible concept that no other coach ever employs... wait.
Might as well give up on offense if we don't consistently get our fifth best receiver on the field...
Good grief, it's always nothing other than Billy.
Care to clear things up on Gator Country?
Did somebody say your numbers were false? Quote him.
Good thing nobody's trying to refute numbers. You can see the refutations of that poster's bad arguments upthread.
The problem is the "see no reality" approach. Your arguments have been refuted and every time that happens you just move the goalposts. Then...
Boomers please proceed to talk about cajun food [img]
Pretty sure the Nebraska fans don't care what other programs are doing. Whether he's right or not might not be the only factor but it's the most...
Motion to rename any and all OC threads to some boomers reminiscing about cajun food thing.
Who cares if his take is an exception? Is he right or isn't he?
Why would he care if it could happen at any program? He doesn't want it to happen at his program.
Sure but that's obvious. The real question is why doesn't he think it would be a good move to make?
So? All the other HCs that don't call plays have the same incentive structure.