because that is what viruses do.
Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be. The Timing is amazing.
BLM Activist Arrested For Siege on U.S. Capitol - Breaking911
My take away is that there should be a standard cycle threshold so we can compare apples to apples. Fouci weighed in on this early on.
COVID-19 PCR Testing: Cycle threshold values are the missing piece of the pandemic puzzle – until now
You guys are really going to be pissed when you see that Cuomo now want to open things back up.
Tracing from Restaurants does not show they are a big spreader of covid.
There is distorted info on both sides and you just choose your “science”. Just wait until they change the PCR levels and overnight the Covid...
Everyone believes in science as long as it matches their political party. pretty sad.
BINGO. The first thing Biden should do is lower the level to 35. Bingo case drop dramatically.
The World o meter data for Florida obviously has some flaws. More than 10% of the "reported" cases in Florida should hav e recovered.
Well the CNN "article" twisted the data to meet their objective.
Arent daycares open in Florida?
I know people that took the cocktail and had very quick positive results. Oh well they must not have read the article.