Thank you. I didnt want to do the research. I am grateful you did. The article i read just indicated one of them was lying. I suspected it was...
Getting back to the original issue. There seems to be a debate qmongst the Justices over what kind of prayer meeting this was.Justice Gorsuch...
So its bigotry to call faith a bad way to make decisions? If I stated that i believed in sky picies who fart rainbows you would respect that?...
Bigotry? Thats an interesting take.
Do you get the difference? Private companies can do pretty much what they want. Public schools cannot.
I hate that people of faith want to force me and others like me to treat their delusions like they are real.
Condoms arent 100 percent effective. Abstinence is the only 100 percent safe way to never get pregnant.
This is a restriction on the poor and the young. The rich will be able to travel. I just hope this wakes up the electorate.
My name isn't Shirley and the research supports me in this.
I am almost convinced that children come preprogrammed to have the life they are going to have. The parents are practically spectators.
But what am I going to eat on my cereal if we cant milk almonds?
Maybe there is a job for Madison Cawthorn?
This is a long term problem with no easy solutions. I remember when some politician wanted to ban exporting Xboxes and Playstations to Russia....
Yep do I need to reset my phone or something again?
These anti women states are in for a rude awakening. They are going to find out how much intelligence and money is tied to people who respect...
I also am not a lawyer but my understanding is that you have to be allowed by statute to sue the state. I am guessing that these states aren't...
Let's just hope that the new retrumplican party counts the votes and certifies the elections.
Supporting Trump opened my first eye. His evil was embraced and supported. The moral majority is on the side of evil in almost all ways.
If it's not obvious that those supporting these bans on abortions are on the side of true evil I fear we are lost as a people.
Reimplant them in everyone who voted for the stupid bill.