“Who wants another helping of BBQ sauce? We only have 1,367 cases to go!!!! Thanks again wife! Awesome idea!”
An interesting wild card is Urban Meyer. Chip and Urban are fairly close. If Chip needs insight into the lifestyle piece of coaching in...
It's all about timing and and interest. You have serendipitous events with Meyer (an OSU alum) and Harbaugh (a Michigan alum) in a position to...
It's time to lock this thread in the corn crib and go Old Yeller on it.[IMG]
Remember Hootie and the Blowfish? "Hold My Hand" was pretty cool, good college tune... than that next song about Dolphins came out, pretty lame...
Guys, with all of the issues with women going on and the images of them that have been posted, I want to ensure they we are being fair balanced on...
Wouldn't it be funny if some big wig booster borrowed the Gator jet to go visit his "girlfriend" on the East coast. A little champagne, mile-high...
Probably because in 1989 it would have taken an awesome set of binoculars and a Zac Morris bag phone.
The tough spot SS is in. Hold on Chip Kelly, wait for Scott Frost. Chip gets snatched up, then Scott says no. Then you are into second tier and...
I just got off the phone with Scott Stricklin. He wanted me to ask you all to act surprised when he announces it. He doesn't want to upset Pat Dooley.