Yea baby And that rats, mice, monkeys, and dogs love outer space.
And their obese parents need to share a few bites with their kids.
Rivian vs Tesla? What to do? lol Every time my wife and I see a Tesla truck we start laughing. And,,,,,,, we drive a 2015 4 cylinder Nissan...
Yes you are as you’re the one applauding Russia who is responsible for death, rape, destruction, kidnapping, stealing, of another’s country’s...
Hard to believe isn’t it? Neither of us liked them either but tried to pick the lesser of two bad candidates. We figured the house and senate...
My wife and I voted Trump in 16 for one reason, conservative SCOTUS appointments. 2020 also as we held our noses. 2024 we did not. After what...
I think this is on purpose. SMDH
Doggone foul weather. :)
His biggest accomplishment for the right were the SCOTUS appointments. Long lasting and conservative.
You lost me at he doesnt side with Putin. If you really believe that you are,,,,,,,
How much has the bloviator given Ukraine since he became president? He keeps saying we as to when Biden was president.
[MEDIA] Canadians not too happy
Trump is a chicken. A bully when challenged backs down. lol What a Karen.
One I made up about 3 years ago. Use it all you want. If only Webster,,,,,,
All they do is sit on their ass and bloviate. Age isn’t the issue it’s senility and dumbassidness.
He will declare martial law to save us from ourselves. yay Amerika
If these cause us to go into a recession it’s possible the house and senate will turn dem in two years. Once again as I’ve stated before I’m glad...
Good, excellent, awesome Hopefully Europe see the light and supports Ukraine and makes the mineral rights deal that Trump wanted. Ukraine has...
Need to stop with the kindergarten theater BS. Either you support helping Ukraine or you don’t. If you don’t then don’t. Trump doesn’t. He needs...
If I were Taiwan, South Korea, or Japan I’d be concerned with what I saw yesterday. Trump has allied The US with the axis of evil.