I got an 18 pack of organic eggs delivered by Kroger for $7.99 a few days ago.
Giving children unfettered access to the internet is such a dumb parenting move. For those that monitor your kids' use I commend you.
A mod edited citygator's thread title and added STARGATE ROARS TO LIFE! at the end.
Yes, we definitely needed government intervention for this. Really getting down to the nitty gritty and solving our most urgent issues.
These parody acronyms are getting out of hand!
This is my shocked face
Well this is awesome
This is the ultimate shitpost.
Freaking hilarious bill.
The dems are super smart and stole the last election. They are also magnanimous because they decided not to steal this one.
Nile monitors are nasty critters. I would not approach one.
Same as it ever was
Stop and frisk 2.0
It would definitely get an MA rating. There's some wild stuff in there.
Oppenheimer bored me to tears. Pughs boobs were a plus though.
Even as a small child I never believed hell was real. It just didn't seem like something that a god who "is love" would do to his creations.
https://apnews.com/article/linda-mcmahon-trump-education-secretary-wwe-613016d0c164b89765af761404cbb123 I wonder what position Vince will get?
His endorsement of quackery on his show (while knowing better) makes him unqualified to do anything other than heart surgery. He's a fraud. I...
My feed was atrocious nearly the entire time. Netflix straight crashed quite a few times. The under cards were both great. I thought Barrios won...
I too remember being deeply traumatized over the thought that I could be sent away due to a non-existent draft. It was awful and made me hate all...