I never realized large buyouts were part of the reason for not firing a coach. Learn something new everyday
Lol the OBC guarenteed financing something he knows won't happen
I'm not a BN fan but we did have a lot of almost games that if won would have completely changed the offseason feel. Most importantly, you have a...
lol he kicked it into the endzone twice and the kickoff (i think smack) kicked it out of bounds. Maybe they should trade roles, something for the...
Firing BN would cost 31 mil. I'd rather hire a 3mil/yr OC
He reminds me of the people who use "algorithm" for everything
I'll have to rewatch it. Funny how their rules cause the same effect by encouraging players to take advantage
Per the NCAA "It is not a foul if the player tries to block the punt by jumping straight up without attempting to leap over the opponent."
BN system is the easiest to learn, you have presnap motion for defenses to show their coverage. Kentucky used this to their advantage knowing what...
Who here would have rather kept Will Muschamp for the last decade? I would have. At least he was entertaining on the sidelines
Away games are vacations, why aren't you guys just relaxing like true chad BN
Montrell was banged up and walked off in the first half
BN will be 1-10 after this (SEC games not at home)
Just run the play clock to 0
Scared money don't make money
Ricky wants to get more reception yards
Did she find it?
It's over but if we don't get a score this drive it's really over
I want to know what to short
Dan Mullen OC/ST hire confirmed