This is the typical Scott Stricklin hire. Mid-level guy, I hope he doesn't abuse the players like the soccer and basketball coaches did. Except...
It was about tapering. FSU went all in and UF did not. Still we should be able to beat them.
FSU beat UNF 10-0.
The fact she still the coach!!!!!! We are going to get our asses kicked in SEC plat.
We need to get rid of coach. She has not accomplished anything and has been with program for a long time.
Did we just sign the #1 ranked player in the country or was that old news. Her name is Qavia Lopez.
Embarrassing. They need an incredible round tomorrow.
Ben just beat ATP #5 in straight sets. I doubt he will return.
Joe F is going pro.
Deacon gets long term extension. He has never made it to match play in 8 years.
2:20 tee time with A&M and G Tech. It seems we got the afternoon. Not sure how they did the tie break. All the teams ahead of us are going in the...
Good comeback by Ricky. I hope we are in the right side of the draw.
Finished +20 in 24th place. Not good. Ricky Castillo shot an 81.
Tied for 4th place now.
9 SEC teams made it.
Not a good round today. One more day to go.