Could you explain this again?
I think we've had the most golds and total medals in every post-Soviet summer Olympics aside from '08 in Beijing, when China won more golds.
Publix is crazy expensive. A lot of what used to go BOGO is now buy two get one, and even true bogos aren’t all that great anymore given the...
Yep. This issue isn't that people who declare their income in the top 1% aren't paying enough in taxes. It's that there are a bunch of people out...
Djoker is there in the 4th if Ben makes it. Tough draw for him, but who knows. Djoker has dropped a set in both rounds so far.
Coco qualified for Wimbledon at 15 and made it to the 4th round. She won a WTA title that same year against grown-ass adults. She's won 7 times on...
What brand do you have? A lot of them seem to have bad reviews.
Does a bump stock require you to shake the gun around loosely so it hits your finger? My impression was that it pushed the trigger into your...
What part of the statute draws a distinction between "mechanical" and "non-mechanical" automatic trigger-pulling attachments, though? And what do...
By that argument, would a device that fits around the stock of the gun and, with one action of a person's finger, starts mechanically pulling the...
Could also be some form of sunk cost effect. If your abortion provider is down the street, you might listen to counseling, go home, and then...
This is the rub, though, isn't it? Obviously, nothing justifies what Hamas did, but when you bomb city blocks in retaliation, blowback is...
Don’t necessarily disagree, but then what would explain the existence of the higher power?
How is it wasteful if the stuff already needed updating/replacement?
It's not even necessarily stupid. Signs and facilities get dated and need replacement all the time. Why not take the opportunity to rebrand when...
And was spectacularly wrong at the beginning of this year when he made his “Sell.” Tweet. These guys don’t have any prophetic insight.
It's also not even true. Per capita, more Floridians move to CA than vice versa.
Not having the ability to embed Threads on the web is a pretty big limitation. People can make an announcement on Twitter and have it propagate...
Could be biased because Google knows you visit this site. The better way to gauge site visibility in a user agnostic way is to do a search in an...
Correlation doesn’t necessarily imply causation, though. Hypothetically, if you gave a set of low income families a middle class income, no...