For the record, all about Sapp running around with a Seminole head. That, FSU had coming and is keeping with tradition.
In my opinion, he should have been involved. I think he did the right thing and I would hope Billy would do the same. I guess that’s where we...
This is playing out great for us in the media…. Billy has to publicly apologize, every news agency is covering Mike pulling the flag off… Here’s...
Well, what we did today was not smart
The gators are going to be the punchline on ESPN tomorrow… we already are.
Why are we making Billy out to be some kind of badass… he didn’t do anything when they were doing that on our field. So far Mike has shown more guts.
Or, better yet. Don’t let our team look like a bunch of clowns. Everyone’s acting like Billy is some kind of badass. Dude let the Seminoles get...
Dude, Norvell made Billy look like a b…
How do you know? Maybe Norvell punches him in the throat.
Or, don’t get sensitive when the other team comes out to fight when you’re trying to get your selfie with the flag. Norvelle punked our whole...
Billy or Norvelle? Norvelle fought back… Billy, not so much.
It’s not an eye for an eye. When we did this crap they fought, including their coach. When it happened to us we didn’t…
Well, it’s their field… we looked like clowns. No way around it. Now, the only thing people are going to remember is Norvelle ripping the flag off...
Where’s the flag? It’s on the ground…
That’s being a poor sport? I’m just hoping Billy would have done the same thing Norvelle did and not been like “aw, shucks”
We should have fought them then
Except we lost, if you’re going to pick a bush league fight then at least win it
I’d expect Billy to do the same thing he did if it was on our field.
Well, we didn’t plant the flag, the other coach ripped it off and threw it on the field. He made a bigger statement than we did.
Dude literally ripped the flag off and then told our coach off when He tried to shake hands like it was all good. We were the snowflakes.