How did this blatant lie of a post get 3 agrees and 2 winners? Did you even watch the video of the 3 racist Georgia idiots? They hunted this guy...
There was already no confusion. Unfortunately at least 30% of the country thinks just like this, whether they publicly state it or not. Well at...
It's not racist to say white guys are not a mistreated demographic. It might be RACIAL. Every racial statement is not racist.
Racist? How is it racist to state that white men claiming to be a mistreated, downtrodden demographic who is now the victim of the most insidious...
And your opinion is wrong. It is quite sad that white WOMEN (who historically and presently have some legitimate grievances against the system)...
Don't respond to my post or any future posts if you are only aiming to insight and have no intention of being intellectually honest. I never...
No, it doesn't. It only reflects the magnitude of racism (and sexism).
That is exactly my position. It takes an extremely simple mind to believe that someone (anyone) can graduate from college, law school, become a...
No they don't. They just don't care. The American populace, from Day 1 of our great country's inception, has always been ok with immoral or even...
Wow! You are 100% wrong, my friend. You obviously haven’t been around many black people. She looks very similar to my mother, 2 of my aunts, and...
Great video. Thanks for posting!
I'm black and I am sure she is black. She went to a HBCU and pledged AKA, and that is the epitome of black bourgeoise. My wife, SIL, and MIL are...
I hate to speak so harshly . . . but this is bullcrap! Black people would never storm the US Capitol building and try to assault legislators...