So... Canada gets rid of Fidel Jr. and they replace him with a big-top circus Carny?
C'mon man... since when do you care what Trump says?
Sorry I'm late... :oops: [IMG] [IMG]
Yep, as I remember it, they never even shut down nor forced people to stay home or any of the other Draconian crap we went though.
Oops... small mistake. :oops::D
Lol... it is as long as you don't venture over to Too Hot. :D;)
We're still living on Biden's policies, until the congress passes Trumps.
I hope it goes down even more... I would love to buy stocks at beater value. :D:)
Another "dear diary" thread? C'mon man. Musk is bad for saving billions of dollars from being wasted by the Dems. :rolleyes:
Take it easy on the old folks... You just might get lucky and live long enough to be their age one day. ;)
Canada wants to be part of Europe so badly. That once owned colony longs for the days when they were subjugated by Britain, and they still have...
You mean when he was a Democrat? Yeah, even Reagan made that mistake. Once-upon-a-time. And that was when the Dems had semi-rational BlueDog Dems....
I like his times, but I was just playing devil's advocate... seeing why other people are down on him
Did his "lies" change what he ran on? Obama and Biden ran as "centrist" with centrist views. That was a lie. Newsome's ACTIONS have been that of...
I have long suspected that many Soros funded sites are anti-American and far Leftists groups. He's on video saying that he's god... He's also on...
The Condor... err... Condon flying high in the sky with the jams.
The friendship and brotherhood on this team is so obvious to see, it's infectious.
Yes, we even use radiation to treat cancers.
I'm not even sure they need that angle to nullify his latter EOs. He was already legally deemed incompetent to stand trial by his own doctors......
People will either die from it or recover... depending on the intensity/duration.