we're all so proud of you, Tulane
"the whole Florida team" haaaaaaa
hell yeah give me more Des Watson-centric offense please
holy crap Des fell on that poor guy
boom goes the dynamite!
whoaaa... we'll take it though
would be nice but easier said than done unfortunately
dude sounds like he's been drinking ever since they put that frilly shirt on him
I hear ya, if it hits your hands it oughta be a catch, I just think it was still a pretty tough play for an RB. The whole team looks hungover and...
agree, he's pressing too much to make plays. I think a bit more running and quick throws might help in the second half.
yeah that positive visualization not working so well this first half
was a tough catch behind his body, DJ could've done a lot better there I think
a third down conversion would be awesome to see right about now
timeouts would really come in handy here
damn DJ is just amazing
would've been nice for ESPN to show us who Billy was yelling at there but par for the course with this broadcast
nice pressure on third and then they miss the FG, great job bailing us out by the defense
well crap that just went from bad to worse