To quote Rooster, "It's not the's the pilot." Well, it's not the's the coaching. Class rankings mean something but they...
The Gus Bus...that bus has several flat tires. His time in the coaching limelight has passed.
Whether you want to consider him a good play caller anymore is certainly debatable but Chip Kelly came to OSUcks to be OC in a system that isn’t his.
It’s fine for the system to stay in place but the play calling within the system must change to take the next step forward.
He honestly hasn’t had a good year period. All this after getting a lucrative extension.
Deion is a great marketer and personality but his coaching is as good as his tackling was in the NFL.
All it said is he would continue as head football coach...didn't say for how long so hopefully it's just for the remainder of the 2024 season....
The improvement of the team is dramatic but the play calling has gotten only slightly better due to the Lagway effect which is a moot point now....
Persoanlly, I never understood any type of Stoops fandom. However, I’m still intrigued what Kiffin can do with a talent like DJ and only needing...
Several cast members of the Porky’s trilogy are from my Alma Mater Ohio University (THE state’s first university). If you know anything about Ohio...
Great game plan and congrats to Vandy…further proof that even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then. As for the Gators and Billy, it’s...
Plenty of Gator players played bad (real bad) but the refs reffed worse.
This is odd on so many levels outside of the HC to OC move. Ohio State has recruited pro-style QBs whereas Kelly prefers duel threats. Kelly is...
Personally, I’m not that enamored with O’Brien but credit Ryan Day for trying something new and being willing (though he was probably told) to...
Sad day in my own honest opinion. Never understood why people hated the guy so much other than the fact he knew how to win. Not only did he know...
I have been extremely underwhelmed by LB play so this appears to be addition by subtraction.
I have been a steadfast supporter of CBN and willing to be patient. He seems like a genuinely good dude and supportive of his players. However,...
I live in Columbus and can promise you Day has not proven himself to the base.
This. With that said, I think he is a really good coach but I also keep in perspective this was done in the C-USA and not the SEC.
The fact Saban wanted him on his staff is enough evidence Armstrong is most certainly an upgrade over Toney. How much of an upgrade is the...