Hypocrisy thy name art @flgator2. Quote from post # 1 by hypocrite : "halfwit hectoring and contrived cackling of Kamala Harris" and "The looney...
I now fully understand why when the 1st term cult leader had House, and Senate but NEVER passed comprehensive immigration laws and now in the 2nd...
All this winning... you'd think they'd just shut up about it and the price of eggs.
Maga just despises the judiciary, that whole jury of your peers and upholding the Constitution can't be allowed to go on.
There you go with all that condescending directed towards Maga with both the indiscriminate use of multisyllable words AND facts. See if you ever...
Let's see. We see the following happened: three men committed felony murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and criminal attempt to...
Open and shut case of murder..... but you don't see it? Tell us you know nothing about the law without telling us. OMG. Regardless of that, it...
Clearly the poster forgot the thread is on a speech given by the cult leader.... but sure Democrats don't listen. Priceless humor.
I think you conflate "intense pressure to convict" with strong conviction due to overwhelming evidence. The reality of the botched original...
Please reread my post. I did not say pressure to convict. Capiche?
The jury felt as any jury should always feel. They are sworn to find the guilty as guilty and the innocent as innocent, and there should be...
Again irrelevant to this case and why it wasn't allowed in court. We have a known felon living on Federal property in Wash. DC , he appears very...
Not really as your data is one yr and the graph is a 7 year compilation. The ACC will use a five yr rolling average so 1 down yr like FSU last...
I hope you understand that "charging at me trying to take my gun" is not a defense. If you randomly accost/stop someone while brandishing a...
Suspect a jogger? Sure he likely had a new AC unit or granite countertop under his sweats. Good Lord.
It is not relevant, nor pertinent. It is murder to shoot and kill an unarmed person jogging in your neighborhood. Good lord.
Reuters/Ipsos 3/3 - 3/4 1174 A Overall: Approve 44 % Disapprove 51% Also this : BFB3. Generally speaking, would you say things...
And how about all those court cases that failed to rule favorably about voter fraud? Maga sure hates the Judiciary. All these unfair trials and...
[ATTACH] Joint Economic Committee (.gov) https://www.jec.senate.gov › public › _cache › files We will soon be lied to that the increase in GDP...
Not surprising that Shapiro has the consistently same moral fiber as most Magas.