In my era of watching gator football as just a spectator at DT it’s Ellis, culpepper, ed Chester, big money, McDonald, Marcus Thomas, sharif,...
Guinness and nice people. Beautiful scenery if you can dodge the rain
Kids who just started driving a few years ago, their "agents" asking for more money. I would hate to be a college coach these days
Darell Lee didn’t play under Urbs. Just Spurrier and zook
I kept up with this thread a little and I love SOS for sure but his last full class was baaaad. 2 front 7 players, Sylvester McGrew and Todd...
For me of course the fsu sugar bowl and 97 fsu game but one really cool game I got to go to as a teen with my dad (who is a uga fan) was the 94 uf...
So that guy was a mole for UM to help them out? Wild
Bobby can you elaborate on this?
Reminds me of Carlos Dunlap more than anyone
We beat lsu ther in 2016
Every year Shane comes from further back on the depth chart. Makes the story better though
Sometimes I wonder if the staff's strategy with o-line and rb's is to of course try for the best but not overspend because they have done so well...
That would be Rockledge, not Rutledge. My Alma mater :)
So LSU has had the derrius guice/title IX issues, their basketball coach still has a job after openly cheating, their players walked out on a...