Lagway could have gone deep there... but damn, put some pine tar on those receivers gloves.
GATORS ARE BACK! I have not gotten into a Gator game like this in ages. LFG!!!!
That was a TD for us. I think UK might have been screwed on their First Down but the runner did not make the mark on his jump and never came back...
How did the announcers not see the ball reach over the line? I saw on 2 different angles.
No Lagway makes sense with this lead, no reason to risk an injury to him.
Holy crap, Mertz completed a pass beyond 20 yards??!!??
DJ can do everything Mertz can plus throw downfield. Play DJ and we will win easy. Need to not mess around with Mertz this game, waste of time.
Mertz does not throw a good deep ball, never has. Playing UCF does not change that. Bring out DJ
Mertz better have a clipboard the rest of the season.
My lord this team is WAY worse than we are.
I just put $40 on FSU even up. If I lose it will be the best $40 bucks I have ever spent. Pay's out $120
The AD should just make him hire an OC... a good one.
Our poor D is making the O look all world.
I will never think getting rid of Mullen was a good choice.
No doubt, if you saw it how do you get it out of your mind to keep playing.
What a fluke fracture, I feel like he wasn't even touched.
I am confused... Rob Sale - Assistant Coach / Offensive Coordinator - Staff Directory - Florida Gators Is he not our Offensive Coordinator?