I’m not sure it’s DJ as much as it is the pedestrian play calling…ridiculous
Here’s the thing for me…Would Billy Donovan or even Mike White put themselves in situations like TG allegedly has? Not a chance…
Maybe Spurrier as interim AD rather than HBC?
Hasn’t he said or it’s been at least intimated that Florida is his dream job?
Trying to be positive…maybe that’s the last boring halftime interview we’ll see this season…
This is fun…
Really…enough? Cmon
We could make a pee-wee QB look like a heisman candidate…awful
You can lose games, but don’t be indignant about it…class and decorum were all he really had, and now thats slipping away…what a moron
I lived in central Florida…no basements…nice analogy BN…
My apologies if this has been asked before and I missed it, but is BN self aware enough to realize that: 1. This is a poorly coached team 2....
Just to be clear…blown at at home, in a bitter rivalry game, in front of the whole country….there’s nothing to justify a longer leash at this point
That was awesome!
So I assume we’re still on schedule? Asking for a friend
Trust the process??? Is t that what we’re told to do???
Cmon people…trust the process!!! I kid…
We have been reduced to Vandy 2.0…but we need to trust the process???
He is actually an average HS coach
Great point!