Kentucky beat number 13 Auburn and number 13 Alabama in back to back Saturdays. Are they Q1 games? Of course UK lost to LSU in the middle.
Wow, there is not one broadcast person on ESPN or CBS that is a UK connected person. GEEZE. How in hell can you say that honestly? Jay Bilas...
At the least it is easier than Kentucky's permanent opponents of Florida, Tennessee and Vandy. I do hope that the SEC drops the east/west setup...
Not true.
I have but I don't post or I will be banned.
Kentucky has the best following in the U.S. and no other school is close. Rupp is a very large facility that is usually sold out; however, UK...
RIP Hall.
@Bazza I love your updates. I come here to keep up with the SEC. It is better than going to ESPN and wading through a bunch of stuff. Good job.