Just realized we missed the best joke. The president just turned into a Car salesman, everyone loves them. [MEDIA]
He is that dumb. Just look at all the past businesses he ruined or are left failed in his wake.
No, the tariffs will make us rich, and we will have billions of dollars to spend. Paraphrasing from dear leader.
Illegal is any thing Donald doesn't like. Coming next week, Trump trim level. It will be a package witch is 5 k more, but will come with a I...
The game (any sport) is 90% mental. Good coaches now how to push and get the best of players. Poor coaches micro manage details. The HS coach was...
With what he is saying and doing, He literally doesn't understand how tariffs work.
That's funny, penguin? Riddler? but who is Nancy supposed to be?
After seeing this being played out for a few weeks now. It is clear Donald does NOT know how to implement tariffs to help or promote America...
They should change this to dead internet law. Dead Internet theory - Wikipedia Claims: The dead Internet theory has two main components: that...
This gave me a chuckle. [IMG]
Why waste the money? Why do we care? Oh, I know why, Donald is trying to get back at Biden for investigating him. Rulling by spite and...
Politicians should not be idolized, but scrutinized instead. Biden is already out on the pasture, he is old news.
Donald is a acting like a snowflake. Free speech for me, but not for thee. He won't stop until his supporters start pushing back. Not sure if or...
Not going to watch, but here is my take. - will proclaim the tariffs are good and Canada and Mexico will pay for them. - Elon and DOGE already...
He is seemingly destroying the country for two reasons. 1. To get back people for the 2020 election. We know he is ruling on spite and...
So giving Russia and criminals money via crypto now?
Just found some photos of the close door meeting before the press conference. [IMG]
Other way around. Emperor Trump will start a special operation to "remove" the cartel members from the Mexican side of the boarder.
Comrades, let's welcome our new friends. [IMG]
It's one thing not to support Zelenaky and Ukraine, but man, Trump's and Vance behavior was immature. I wanted to hit disagree on your post. We...