Abervoldi doesnt have a clue? Am I reading that right? Hell of a statement if so!
The audacity of some of these posters on a sports forum.....valuing athletics over academics? Deplorable
Wunderlich is right. We need an OC. Dude is the HC and CEO of the football program. Im pulling for him. Now go self evaluate again in this fourth...
Id trade a team 2.5 and Nattys all day long. I care about Baughs GPA as much as I care how much Shands Dr's bench.
I really prefer not to start evey reply with "Ok dude" so... Ok, Md. You go on believing that troops, postal workers and contractors arent...
Great point! Generally any rational person/entity operating in good faith would include all personnel paid with public funds. Its the same bs with...
Ok, dude and FRED. The DoD alone has 3m.
Nah, its in the 20-25m range.
Again, I think we disagree. You seem to believe its a proactive agency of integrity. I believe the exact opposite.
I disagree. Perhaps you think we need Big Gov to regulate Big Corp. I believe they are the same people. Big Gov hites what?....20-25 million...
Sure. Abolish it.
Haha yea! The answer is more money and more gov. Im sure once we are $60T in debt and increase the gov to 40mil people working from home we will...
Sounds time consuming and youre an internet stranger. Ill pass. You can go -google earth Plymouth Rock -look up Obama/Kerry/Gore residents...
Its all bullshit. The biggest proponents of it live in giant houses and fly private. Hell, some of those giant houses are on beaches not far from...
Its a grift. If youre good enough at it you get to fly private to your beach mansion.
Exactly. Its a team sport. Auburn fans think of Nick Fairley as a great guy who played hard.
You mean Trump will jail opponents, consider reeducation camps, deplatform and debank citizens!? Will he slander folks as anti-science horse paste...
Global free trade isnt free. Never has been. Its largely been funded by the US tax payer in the form of hundreds of US Navy ships patrolling the...
My apologies Bling. My wife corrected me and you are right. We could not find a US toaster. The slow cooker and blender are US and the toaster is...
I cant speak to how they will feel in the future but I agree - economic pain is coming no matter who runs the country.