If a coin like that gets hacked it becomes worthless so I don’t see the point
Seriously believe this drivel?
If it was a sex offender they beat to death I’m good with it.
Interesting dilemma for the left…. They hate white people but all the sudden are loving Canada. As usual the people you love hate you.
And then we best their ass on the ice too…
At least it’s for rockets not people pretending to be rockets or unqualified rockets
This Pope has been a planned embarrassment to the Catholic Church who was trying to make people forget about all the pedo cover ups.
You mean they won’t infiltrate restaurants at 4:00 for early bird specials and order water and lemons so they can make table lemonade?
Can not believe we are debating on whether mutilating children is a good idea or not. There are really disgusting folks living in the world.
He must be cutting out all the euro freebies.
You mean the ones that actually set money aside to retire…you socialist just can’t help yourselves.
People crow about this but it’s actual dollars that will all be put back in the economy creating jobs rather than put in government in which we...
Man I tell you any district that has Maxine Waters as a representative must be a real life sh$thole.
Conservative here and I’m no fan of this pick. He may end up doing some good things but he’s kooky.
Every dollar spent to encourage mental illness and racism is a travesty.
I don’t care what he does with incompetent people who endanger our sovereignty with destructive and dangerous policies.
Trump is winning every single day.
It’s a start
Damn it’s nice to have some real leadership in the White House
The way to beat them is financial warfare.