Politics. Contra the Mueller report. The fact that anyone associated with the alleged Russia collusion were convicted of crimes unrelated to...
Nope. You may have missed earlier posts in thread - see # 6. But to save you time, it's quite simple - this is old-school left politics - create...
The posters here declaring Kash to be a Russian agent are delusional. It's a worn out trope that has been used to slander many in the Trump...
What are the numbers comparing second term Presidents' polling? That's the real comparison to be made. Trump is not the "shiny NEW" President...
If you don't support the "far left" that pushes the trans agenda, then just say so. Fine, no problem. If you support the "far left" transgen,...
I repeat myself, but - if this is such a non-issue, then why does the left continue to smear anyone who simply responds to (RESPONDS, not...
It is widely acknowledged that Louisiana has a blighted history of governance - racial issues, fraud, cronyism, etc. NOLA takes that reputation...
Dude, the only point being made was that we should all cheer exposure/removal of gov't waste. Have no idea why that concept elicits the string of...
Great. If/when they get around to cutting other gov't waste (don't care where/what/how), we can hold hands and cheer together.
Good research. I recall a House member saying something more along the lines of my paraphrase during a debate on a spending bill. Likely the Rep...
Perfect illustration of the point. One side - it's not "really" that much money and an obscure project, so what's the big deal. Other side -...
If there are only 10 NCAA trans athletes that are affected, then why not just tell those 10 that they won't be competing in women's sports. Done...
This is a very warped perspective to say the least. According to your formula, no one is a producer or supporter of anything. Everyone is a ward...
This response is as evasive/confused as it is inane - especially from someone who proves the inability to differentiate between welfare and other...
Sure you "can." Before/in place of gov't, people/society cared for the disabled, elderly, and poor through family, community, and charity. Gov't...
SS may have made a lot of sense when enacted. Things change (economies, technology, demographics, etc.). Both parties are afraid to take the...
Doesn't the question come down to - who is the gatekeeper of facts? X and now Zuckerburg seem to agree that playing gatekeeper is a potential, if...
Haven't made the game yet, but it's on the list. Was in DC area last Saturday. The hotel had several Army fans/families. Up early and watched...
Wow. Now that was an unbiased, critical narrative of the world. ;) You clearly have no appreciation of what may or may not be confidential. And,...
Hopefully, you can appreciate that any "vagueness" in my posts is not only intentional but required. Again, I'm not hiding anything - spend the...